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Get a Domain Name That Sticks in the Mind

2022 March 12
by Annie Wallace

Domain name that sticksPicking a domain for your new blog is what you’ll need to do first. Your domain is what people will memorize and associate with your blog which is why finding a good catchy name is so important. While trying to create a domain name, be sure to keep the following rules of thumb in mind:

  • Your domain should create a clear association. What will people imagine when looking at it? A city? a family? a blogging woman? This clear association will help them remember your blog and its address next time when they think, “Where did I read about that just the other day?
  • Your domain should be ideally short. No more than 3 short words in it; more will be harder to remember.
  • Your domain should be easy to visualize via the blog design. Try to imagine how your blog might look like when choosing the name. Is it easy for you to draw the concept expressed by some domain?
  • .com domain still rocks: pick a .com domain unless you want to have hard time making people remember your blog is on .net, .org or .whatever domain. People still type .com instinctively.
  • Your domain should reflect your passion, lifestyle, topic you would be excited to cover.

Start with finding a concept. To help you get inspired, here are a few patterns that mommy bloggers use to create a good relevant domain name that is easy to remember and cool to brand in the blog design:

  • [your personality definition+ mom/mommy/etc]:,,
  • [your native/favorite city + mom/mommy/etc + blog/blogging/talk/etc]:
  • [your main concept/hobby/interest + mom/mommy/etc( + blog/blogging/talk/etc)]:
  • [your lifestyle/belief + mom/mommy/etc + blog/blogging/talk/etc]: ,
  • [your family description in 2-3 words]: (actually many words here but still cool!)

There are many more possible patterns of course but the good thing about the above mentioned is that they all create a clear-cut concept in your mind which is the most important.

Now that you (hopefully) have some inspiration, sit down and start brainstorming. I highly recommend Namify because it helps in brainstorming a lot – it dynamically checks a brand name availability on social media. You will find the process much more fun with the tool. Check out their tool for finding domain names!

If you have any other helpful tips on how you choose domains for your mommy blog, please share them in the comments!

Img by Photomish Dan

4 Responses leave one →
  1. April 15, 2011

    When choosing a domain name, it is important to consider your personality ‘coz it will reflects to your blog. Assume that you and your blog are just one, what people would think about your blog is the same what people would think of you.

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